All customers picking up gun(s) local gets a background check;
A Florida Concealed Weapons License waives the 5-day wait, but does NOT eliminate the background check.
The background check cost is $5. This fee is generated from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) (National Instant Criminal Background Check System), operated by the FBI.
A background check is good for 1 transaction or 30 days, whichever occurs first. A transaction is 1 business day.
VAM Munitions submits background checks online. In the event that the internet is down, we can perform background checks over the phone.
A background check usually takes a few minutes. However, the number of background checks submitted to FDLE at any point in time may affect how quickly a result is returned.
If the FDLE system or the NICS system is down, background checks will not go through until NICS and/or FDLE have been restored. A delay such as this can last a few hours, but usually not more than a day. The background check and 5-day wait are NOT related.
A firearm cannot be released by VAM Munitions until the background check is approved by FDLE.
There are four results provided by FDLE from a background check:
1) Approval (A): Firearm can be released to the consumer.
2) Conditional Approval (CA): Firearm can be released based on FFL's policy. In the event the Conditional Approval should change to a Non-Approval, local law enforcement will be dispatched to recover the firearm.
3) Conditional Non-Approval (CN): Firearm CANNOT be released to the consumer for up to 3 business days to allow FDLE more time to research causation for the Conditional Non-Approval. After 5:00PM on the 3rd day, the firearm can be released based on the FFL's policy. In the event the Conditional Non-Approval should change to a Non-Approval, local law enforcement will be dispatched to recover the firearm.
4) Non-Approval (N): Firearm CANNOT be released to the consumer. This decision can be appealed by the consumer within 30 days of the Non-Approval. See Top Gun Indoor Range, LLC for details.
If you've had issues related to mistaken identity or identity theft, your background check may be delayed by up to 72 hours (weekdays). The delay starts after the background check is complete.
Alien Residents:MUST bring your alien registration card with you at the time you fill out the Form 4473.
Your background check may be delayed a few hours to a few days.
FDLE is required to check multiple databases. The initial background check may be returned as a Conditional Non-Approval. The approval status is usually updated within a few hours, but may take a few days before completion of a final determination.
Alien Residents are encouraged to come in to VAM Munitions in advance of the transfer to get the background check started to avoid background check delays. Please let us know if this is the case.